The 8-Bit Big Band: My Top Eight Tracks

I went to my first concert since the start of the pandemic last night, seeing The 8-Bit Big Band perform at Sony Hall in Manhattan. My euphoria from being in the audience hasn’t subsided, and I needed to write about it.

In some ways, The 8-Bit Big Band was synonymous with the depths of pandemic life for me. In the darkest moments, I’d throw my headphones on and listen to their jams until well after midnight. Their third album released during the pandemic, refreshing that playlist and eliminating any risk of it going stale. And I still remember the summer surprise last year, seeing then in a COVID-safe concert from the comfort of my apartment.

Well, it’s time to break the association of this incredible collection of musicians and a freaking pandemic. Just like I overdid it with live sports in the past year, I expect to overdo it with live music this year. So I saw the band live and it was everything I hoped and needed it to be.

As a brief tribute to this incredible band, I thought I’d share my top 8 released works of theirs today. (So I won’t be including Song of Storms, Pollyanna, and Dolphin Shoals, even though they played them last night.) No science behind this list - it’s just how I feel about them right now. On to the list!

#8: Snake Eater

I never played Metal Gear so I learned about this classic specifically from The 8-Bit Big Band. Tiffany Mann’s stunning vocals perfectly complement the Bondiest non-Bond song that ever Bonded, and it’s an utter delight (and, as I learned last night, a true crowd favorite).

#7: Bubblegum K.K.

When I needed something to smile about, both The 8-Bit Big Band and Animal Crossing were there for me. This incredible rendition was recorded remotely, but you’d never know it from how much fun everyone is having play it together.

#6: Bob-omb Battlefield

This was already one of my favorite tracks of theirs, but watching them play it live clinched it making the list.

#5: Tetris Theme (A)

Until this version, the McVaffe Ultimix was my favorite cover of the classic Tetris A theme. The 8-Bit Big Band kicks it up a notch with such a variety of styles and callbacks that overwhelm you like a ton of falling tetrominos.

#4: Rosalina in the Observatory

This one is so wonderfully mellow compared to the rest of the list, and the clarinet solo by Mark Dover is stunningly beautiful. I also had to put this on the list, as Rosalina is my son’s favorite Nintendo character and he’d never forgive me for an omission.

#3: Super Mario Land Underground

Oh. My. God. First you have tributes to Kashmir. Then you have an utterly ridiculous baritone sax solo from Leo P. And then it breaks into freaking Bacchanale. I sat in stunned silence for several minutes the first time I heard this one and it never ceases to overwhelm me.

#2: Big Blue

This may be my favorite Nintendo track ever. I’d been obsessed with it since its original arrangement on Super Nintendo, following it through all the F-Zero sequels, the sublime Mario Kart 8 rendition (whose epic guitar vs. sax battle still gives me chills), and remixes galore. Then I heard Grace Kelly’s sax solo in this version, and I had a new favorite. Wow.

#1: Gerudo Valley

The best way to go to Spain without going to Spain is this song. In six minutes, you get a ridiculous piano solo by Natalie Tennebaum, classic Spanish guitar work, perhaps the best use of strings (important to a longtime violinist!) this band has ever had, a phenomenal tribute to Malagueña, and a final flourish that closes with Requiem of Spirit. Wow … just … wow. They closed last night’s concert with this because they know what a banger this one is.

And that’s it! I can’t wait for what these incredible talents do next!

Ronjan Sikdar